Einzigartige Looks mit selbst gemachten Aufklebern

Unique looks with homemade stickers

We recently introduced our brand new, white sticker film... The new sticker film is perfect for customizing items such as cell phone cases, suitcases, drinking bottles, cups and other smooth sur...
Brandneu und heiß begehrt… Neue weiße Aufkleberfolie für Tintenstrahldrucker

Brand new and highly sought after... New white sticker film for inkjet printers

There has recently been a brand new sticker film in the Skullpaper range. The new white sticker film for inkjet printers comes with a white background, making it ideal for a variety of different su...
Geburtstagstisch Deko selbstgemacht

Homemade birthday table decoration

Put your motifs on glass and decorate the table
DIY Etiketten

DIY labels

Homemade wine labels