August is the birthday month. Not just for me, but also my boyfriend, my dad, my future sister-in-law and many of my friends can wear the crown for a day this month.
Actually, there is always a reason to celebrate. But I think a birthday, especially my dearest dad's 66th, is a very special reason and worth celebrating.

My dad decided to take advantage of the great summer weather and moved his birthday party to the beach bar. Sand under your feet, wind in your hair and an ice-cold cocktail in your hand – a great idea. And what would a celebration be without a beautiful DIY decoration made with love!? So I got straight to work and designed a maritime table decoration to match the beach bar, because as the French saying goes: “Where love sets the table, the food tastes best!”

With the sticker film from SKULLPAPER you can easily and individually design old lanterns, flower vases and bottles.

You need:
... Premium sticker film (for inkjet– or laser printer)
... SKULLPAPER motif templates or your own motif
... a printer
... a container to which you can apply the foil
and a pair of scissors
I chose a submarine, a lighthouse, crabs and a huge steamer as motifs. I think the maritime elements fit very well with the ambience and feeling in the beach bar.

I took the motifs from the SKULLPAPER motif catalog. You will receive this for free if you buy a package of textile transfer films. It's worth it, because the motif templates not only contain maritime images, but also floral elements, sayings and a beautiful alphabet - you can find something suitable for every occasion. You don't necessarily have to iron the templates onto a textile; you can also print them on other SKULLPAPER products and create very individual DIY products.
This time I decided to use the sticker film and stick stickers on glass vessels that will serve as vases for aquatic plants.

You can also print your own motifs or photos, just as you like - let your creativity run wild.
When printing, make sure that you select 'optimal photo quality' in the printer settings and place the adhesive film as the only sheet in the feeder of your printer. I always do a test print on paper in advance to check whether the size of the motifs is correct and whether the printer cartridges are still printing optimally. This way I can be sure that my sticker film is printed correctly and can use it economically.
After printing, let your motifs dry for a short moment and then use simple paper scissors to shape them into the right shape.

Once you have positioned your motif correctly on the container, you can carefully remove the sticker from the yellow sheet.

Be particularly careful when dealing with narrower areas. If you remove the film too quickly, it may tear and your motif will be lost.
After sticking, gently stroke your motif again to remove any possible bubbles.

Voilà – your DIY vessels are ready.
I put a spoonful of sand, a few shells and a floating plant in the glass. A water lily or floating candle will also look really pretty in the DIY glasses - just try it out!

With the help of the sticker film from SKULLPAPER you can create wonderfully individual vessels. And if you ever need a change of scenery, you can easily remove the foil from the containers. Any remaining adhesive residue can be easily wiped off with nail polish remover or a little mineral spirits.
I love having a birthday, so I have a countdown on my phone all year long, counting down the days until my Princess Day. ... and in 347 days it will be that time again - I can wear the crown and be a princess for a day! I am convinced that I will also make DIY containers for table decorations on this day. Maybe I won't use SKULLPAPER's maritime motifs, but rather the floral elements. Simply stick the DIY sticker film on a few old bottles, place a hydrangea in each bottle and the perfect decoration is ready!
Now it is your turn! Let your creativity run wild and design your own DIY vases, tea lights, bottles or similar – completely individually and according to your taste. There are no limits to you!
If you want, show me your DIY products on Instagram using the hashtag #myDIYskullpaper
Have fun being creative!